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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Grants Advanced Search
Grants Advanced Search

Contribution Agreements


The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) currently contributes to the ongoing operations of 12 major organizations. These large, not-for-profit, professional arts organizations meet a special set of requirements, ranging from minimum annual revenue to national and international impact and significance.


The 12 major organizations are:

  • Aga Khan Museum
  • Canada’s National Ballet School
  • Canadian Opera Company
  • Harbourfront Centre
  • National Ballet of Canada
  • Ottawa Bluesfest
  • The Royal Conservatory
  • Shaw Festival
  • Stratford Festival
  • Toronto International Film Festival
  • Toronto Symphony Orchestra
  • University of Toronto Press

As of 2024, OAC no longer applies the standard assessment process for operating grants to major organizations. They now receive funding through five-year contribution agreement relationships with OAC.


The OAC’s implementation of contribution agreements mirrors an established practice used locally, nationally, and internationally. In transitioning these 12 organizations to a contribution agreement model, OAC is addressing commitments from its 2022-27 strategic plan, Reset. Renew. Revitalize., to pursue change and meet key goals in four directions:

  • developing OAC’s funding approach
  • amplifying the impact, benefits, and value of the arts
  • renewing program design and service delivery
  • cultivating connections, collaborations and partnerships

For project-based agreements between OAC and partner organizations, see Partnering with OAC.


Eligibility criteria

Organizations wishing to join the Majors group must contact the program officer to discuss eligibility.


The following eligibility criteria are provided for information only. Major organizations should refer to their signed contribution agreements for exact criteria and conditions.

  • Major organizations must be Ontario-based not-for-profit corporations, or national not-for-profit corporations with a head office in Ontario.
  • They must have:
    • at least $15 million in total revenues for their last completed fiscal year, and in projected revenues for the current and projected years covered by the agreement
    • at least three years of OAC annual or multi-year operating support, immediately preceding the period covered by the agreement
    • a range of revenue sources
    • an active board of directors or governing body
  • Major organizations must also:
    • demonstrate national or international significance and profile, with international networks and relationships
    • be major employers of artists and other arts professionals
    • operate with multiple layers of staff and structures
    • offer varied and multifaceted programs of depth and breadth
    • serve large audience bases with multiple programming streams
  • Non-arts organizations, for-profit corporations, municipalities, colleges and universities are ineligible for major organization funding.