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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Grants Advanced Search
Grants Advanced Search


Adom Acheampong

Program Officer
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Madeline Legg

Program Administrator

Artists in Residence (Education)

Until this program opens in Nova, the Ontario Arts Council’s online granting system, program information may change. This includes deadline dates and specific information on eligibility. Be sure to visit this page after the program opens in Nova, but before starting your application.



This is a partnership program, between school boards and the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), that supports community-engaged artists to work alongside teachers to engage students in creative learning involving creative and critical processes. School boards partner with the OAC over a seven-year period to build capacity for implementing school board-wide arts projects.


Participation in the program is by invitation only. School boards must consult with the program officer to determine their fit for the program, as determined by OAC’s strategic priorities, program priorities, program budget, and administrative capacity of the school board.

For detailed information about the Artists in Residence (Education) program, past projects, classroom and administrator resources, see the Artists in Residence (Education) home page.


The program’s priorities are to support projects that:

  • engage students in creative processes
  • reduce barriers to arts participation
  • increase access to the arts for underserved or marginalized communities
  • employ Ontario artists to work in Ontario communities

Grant amount(s)

  • Funding amounts are determined by OAC based on the capacity of the school board, and the scope, scale and stage of development of the project.

Eligible applicants

  • publicly-funded Ontario school boards

New school boards may be invited based on available funds in the program and OAC priorities.

Read the Guide to OAC Project Programs for more eligibility information.

What this program funds

  • artist fees
  • artist travel, as determined by the school board travel directives
  • purchase of small-scale equipment, software, electronics and similar materials required to carry out the project
  • equipment rental
  • consumable materials
  • artist professional development costs, such as attending professional learning community (PLC) meetings
  • documentation of the project, maximum five per cent of the OAC grant, including:
    • purchase of journals
    • audio-visual equipment rental
    • fees to hire a videographer, video editor, photographer, transcriber, etc.
  • childcare and other dependant care fees enabling individuals to take part in the project (this does not include regular, ongoing expenses)
  • expenses related to making the project accessible to audiences and project participants who are Deaf or have a disability

    What this program does not fund

    • artists performances unrelated to creative engagement activity
    • major capital expenditures, including buying, leasing or renovating buildings and purchase of major equipment
    • student field trips
    • school board staffing costs, including teacher release time

    Activity timing

    The activities for which you are requesting funding:

    • must be for the upcoming school year
    • must be completed by the end of the school year

    To apply

    Before applying, you must:

    • contact the program officer to discuss eligibility (new applicants only)
    • be invited to apply
    • read the Guide to OAC Project Programs
    • create or update your profile in Nova

    Your application will include:

    • information about the project including artist names, participating schools and project goals
    • your answers to application questions

    Complete instructions and requirements are in the application in Nova.

    For details on creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.

    Program-specific definitions

    Access to the arts: opportunities for people, regardless of geographic, racial, social, economic or physical realities to experience the arts and participate in cultural life.