Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
November 7, 2019
Barkhouse, Mary Anne, Minden
Buset, Elizabeth, Thunder Bay
Provost, Michèle, Gatineau (Quebec)
Rafi, Eshan, Mississauga
Yu, David, Toronto
Juries are generally used to assess grants to individuals at the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). Juries evaluate applications using specific program criteria and decide which applicants should receive grants. In programs that do not have pre-determined grant levels, they also determine the amount of each grant. The number of grants and the amounts are based on the program budget. Jury decisions are authorized by the OAC Director & CEO.
To safeguard the integrity of the peer assessment process, we do not allow anyone who has a direct conflict of interest with an application to serve on an assessment panel where that application is to be reviewed. Indirect conflicts of interest are managed by a standard OAC procedure.
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Baba, Nedda, Toronto, $5,000
Bath, Mark, Toronto, $5,000
Berg, Stefan, Toronto, $7,500
Beriault, Alexandra, Toronto, $5,000
Black, Diane, Kingston, $7,500
Bleiwas, Ellen, Toronto, $5,000
Blundell, Gary, Highlands East, $15,000
Bourgeois, Lorène, Toronto, $15,000
Bozdarov, Atanas, Toronto, $5,000
Côté, Martine, Toronto, $5,000
Dart, Jay, Ashburn, $7,500
de Lange, Sam, Guelph, $5,000
DeFreitas, Erika, Toronto, $7,500
Dhaliwal, Sarindar, Toronto, $15,000
Dobey, Rocky, Toronto, $15,000
Dobson, Susan, Guelph, $15,000
Esfahani, Soheila, Waterloo, $7,500
Fathi, Shirin, Toronto, $5,000
FitzGerald, Dorian, Toronto, $7,500
Frank, Simon, Hamilton, $15,000
Gough, Michael, Ottawa, $7,500
Griffin Hunt, Daniel, Toronto, $5,000
Habashi, Hani, Toronto, $5,000
Hall, Sarah Elise, Peterborough, $7,500
Hewak, Leala, Toronto, $5,000
Hilton, Tyler, Toronto, $7,500
Hirmer, Lisa, Guelph, $7,500
Hobot, Barbara, Kitchener, $7,500
Hudspith, Laura, Toronto, $5,000
Ingrassia, Miles, Toronto, $5,000
Isaacs, Brad, Toronto, $5,000
Kaarsemaker, David, Toronto, $5,000
Komeylian, Zahra, Richmond Hill, $5,000
Kwon, HaeAhn, Toronto, $5,000
Laird, Katherine A., Burlington, $5,000
Lee, Sangmin, Toronto, $5,000
Litwin, Maria, Toronto, $5,000
Long, Gareth, Toronto, $7,500
Lowe-Sutton, Jamiyla, Toronto, $5,000
MacDonald, Andrew, Peterborough, $7,500
MacDonald, Logan, KItchener, $7,500
Madina, Ramses, Ottawa, $7,500
Majerus, Alexandra, Toronto, $5,000
Mansour, Nahed, Toronto, $7,500
McCallum, Kirstie, Toronto, $5,000
McGuane, Abby, Toronto, $5,000
Medvedovsky, Vitaly, Toronto, $7,500
Moraru, Monica Maria, Toronto, $5,000
Murphy, Jennifer, Toronto, $7,500
Negus, Christine, London, $5,000
Ness, Chantel, Toronto, $5,000
Nicol, Heather, Toronto, $15,000
O'Neil, bekky, Roseneath, $5,000
Ogunlesi, Oluseye, Toronto, $5,000
Olejnik, Wojciech, Etobicoke, $7,500
Pan, Yangyang, Stouffville, $7,500
Perera, Rajni, Toronto, $7,500
Peturson, Laura, Callander, $7,500
Planthara, Cadence, York, $5,000
Quick, Angie, London, $5,000
Rehman, Amin, Toronto, $7,500
Rivet, Rick, Belleville, $15,000
Rojas, Camille, Toronto, $5,000
Sandhu, Mia, Toronto, $5,000
Shick, Nicholas, Toronto, $7,500
Siemens, Luke, Toronto, $5,000
Smolinski, Richard, East York, $15,000
Sorochan-Ruland, Evie, London, $5,000
Sprague, Sean, Toronto, $5,000
Staats, Greg, Toronto, $15,000
Stewart, Jordyn, Beamsville, $5,000
Thorne, Kika, Toronto, $15,000
Vincent, Erin, Toronto, $7,500