Please read carefully the following terms and conditions that govern application to the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) before submitting your application through OAC’s online granting system, Nova.
I confirm that my organization:
- meets all eligibility criteria for the program
I confirm that I:
- understand that ineligible or incomplete applications will be withdrawn at any time in the process. I will be notified by OAC if my application is withdrawn
- understand that I cannot add further information once I have submitted my application through Nova, and no further information will be submitted to assessors as of the application deadline
- understand that any extra artistic examples or support documents that exceed the program’s limits will not be reviewed by assessors in the evaluation of an application
- understand that all application material and related subsequent documents/information must be submitted in Nova unless otherwise indicated
- can deposit a cheque in the name of the applicant if the application is successful
1. Applicant eligibility criteria
I confirm that, at the time of submission, my organization’s application meets the applicable Eligibility Criteria set out below:
If you are applying as an incorporated not-for-profit organization, you must:
- be incorporated in Ontario or federally
- have a head office in Ontario
- be governed by a volunteer board of directors or an advisory board
If requested by OAC, you can, at any time, provide documentation to verify this information.
If you are applying as a for-profit organization (book or magazine publishers only), you must:
- be incorporated in Ontario or federally
- be an Ontario-based, Canadian-owned book or periodical publisher eligible for funding in OAC’s publishing programs
- have a head office in Ontario
If requested by OAC, you can, at any time, provide documentation to verify this information.
2. OAC limitation of liability
I acknowledge and agree that:
- assessors and OAC Officers involved in the assessment of our application for OAC funds will have the ability to view, access and download the organization’s application information and any artistic examples or support documents or reports associated with the organization’s application that I have uploaded to the OAC Nova system (the “Application Information”)
- OAC shall have no obligation, duty, liability whatsoever in contract, tort, or otherwise to me for any actions or inactions on the part of any third party, including but not limited to assessors, that may result in any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, for business interruption, loss, theft, unauthorized use, disclosure of or access to the Application Information by or to any unauthorized person or persons. These limitations, exclusions and disclaimers shall apply irrespective of the nature of the cause of action, demand or action by you, including, but not limited to contract, negligence, tort, strict liability or other legal theory
- any such claim shall be solely against such third party
3. Consent to release
I consent to the release of application information, and any artistic examples or support documents, or reports associated with this application submitted through OAC’s Nova system under these terms to OAC assessors and other partner granting agencies or organizations to which I have also applied.
4. Disclosure of information
I understand that:
- of the information that I provide in the “Profile” section, OAC will only share the applicants’ name and location (e.g. city/town/First Nation) with the program assessors; and Grant results by program and deadline, including the recipients’ name, location (e.g. city/town/First Nation), and grant amount, will be posted on OAC’s website and may be published in OAC’s Annual Report Grants Listing, other communications of OAC as well as part of the Government of Ontario Open Data initiative
5. Information Supplied in Confidence
I understand that:
- Application information is supplied to OAC in confidence. OAC will not release any information that reveals personal, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information or a trade secret except as required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or other legal disclosure process.