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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
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May 2011

In spring 2010 OAC hired mDm Consulting to produce Fostering Arts at a Local Level, a survey of Community Arts Councils in Ontario.  The goal was to gain a fuller understanding of the number and types of community arts councils that exist throughout the province; the contexts in which they operate; the roles they play in their communities; and the range of activities they undertake in response to their regional needs.
Fostering Arts at a Local Level, provides an overview of community arts councils in Ontario - both those receiving operating and/or project funding through OAC granting programs and those not funded by OAC.

The report covers the majority of existing community arts councils in the province offering a view into the scope of their activities and the relationship between their activities and the contexts in which they operate. It also summarizes the interests and concerns of community arts councils in relation to OAC and points to some of the ways OAC can support them to better respond to the needs of the artists and arts organizations in their community.
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