Process and policy update for final reports on grants
The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is improving the process and clarifying the policy for grant recipients on submitting final reports. These changes were made possible thanks to the transfer of information from our previous grants database to Nova, our online granting system.
NEW: Pre-Nova grant information has been imported into Nova
- If you have used Nova before, you will now be able to see a list of final reports that you (or your organization, if applicable) have submitted to OAC – including final reports relating to applications submitted on paper, prior to the introduction of Nova. You will find this list of final reports in the Action Items section of your homepage.
- If you have not used Nova before – i.e. your most recent application to OAC was submitted on paper – OAC has created a user profile for you (and your organization, if applicable) in Nova. By logging in and activating your account, you will be able to see a list of final reports you have previously submitted to OAC, and any final reports you still need to submit.
- If this applies to you, please follow these instructions:
- Go to the Nova login page.
- Click on the link “Request Password Reset”.
- Enter the email address that you provided in your last application.
- Follow the instructions to create a new password and activate your user profile. For full instructions on this, see the Nova User Guide.
NEW: All final reports submitted using Nova
- All final reports on OAC grants are now completed and submitted using Nova. This includes final reports for applications that were submitted on paper, before the launch of Nova.
- To begin working on a final report in Nova, go to the Action Items section of your Nova home page. Your final report form will appear in this section as a clickable link. If your final report form does not appear here, please email
NEW: Nova will let you know if you have a pending issue with a final report that will impact a new application
- With information on past grants now in Nova, OAC has clarified its policy on final reports. Now, grant recipients cannot submit a new application to an OAC project program if they have a final report for a previous grant that is:
- past its due date and has not been submitted;
- past its due date, has been submitted but requires revisions;
- submitted but cannot be approved because of substantial or unresolved issues.
- If you have a final report with any of these three issues, Nova will notify you in several ways:
- The Action Items section on your Nova landing page will indicate if you have an issue to be addressed.
- If you start a new application, a banner will appear at the top of the page alerting you to the issue.
- You will be prevented from submitting your application. Only once the issue with your final report has been resolved will the system allow you to submit a new application to OAC.
If you have any questions regarding final reports in Nova, please email
Maya Bedward
Information Services Coordinator
416-969-7429 | toll-free in Ontario 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7429