OAC shares ASL videos to support Deaf applicants
The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) has launched a series of American Sign Language (ASL) videos about the grant application and assessment process. They include information about OAC services and supports for Deaf artists and artists with disabilities.
The following videos are posted on a dedicated web page as well as on the relevant program pages:
- New to the Ontario Arts Council?
- Guide to OAC Project Programs
- Guide to OAC Assessment
- Guide to Providing Application Support to Deaf Artists and Artists with Disabilities
- Programs for Deaf Artists and Artists with Disabilities
- Accessibility Fund: Project Support
- Dance Training Projects: Equity and Access
- Deaf and Disability Arts Projects
- Deaf and Disability Arts: Materials for Visual Artists
The OAC recognizes that Deaf artists and/or artists with disabilities continue to face systemic barriers.
Deaf and Disability Arts cover unique and varied artistic practices. The OAC’s Deaf and Disability Arts Projects program was introduced in 2015 and supports creation, production and professional development for individuals, ad hoc groups and collectives and disability-led organizations. Applicants can apply for up to $10,000. The program applications are assessed by a multidisciplinary jury of artists who identify as Deaf or who have a disability.
The OAC’s ongoing support to Deaf artists includes:
- Deaf Arts assessment panels that are led or facilitated by Deaf artists and accompanied by ASL interpretation
- Grant writing workshops for Deaf artists conducted in ASL
For specific questions about Deaf and Disability Arts, please contact :
Bushra Junaid
416-969-7407 | toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058