A letter from new OAC chair Simon Foster
Dear OAC friends and colleagues,
My name is Simon Foster, and it is with great enthusiasm and humility that I step into the role of chair of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC).
This is one of the most significant roles of my life, and I am profoundly aware of the impact our work has on you – the artists, educators, young people, and diverse communities across this province.
Like many of you, the arts have been at the centre of my life. One of the most moving experiences I have recently had the privilege of engaging in was having the opportunity to present the 2023 OAC Indigenous Arts Award to Penny Couchie at the concluding celebration for that year’s Aanmitaagzi Summer Arts Program on Nipissing First Nation. It’s an incredible program for young people to learn storytelling, performing arts, visual arts, and so much more around Indigenous arts and cultural teachings. It was a day that reflected Penny’s life-long dedication to the arts, and community embracing this gift.
These moments make me realize how central the arts are to a worthy life and an optimistic future. And I often think about how can we create a thriving arts ecology for Ontarians?
To earnestly tackle this question in my new role as chair of the OAC, I want to situate where the OAC is now:
- 27.4 million participants in Ontario’s arts activities in 2021-22: Whether attending a performance, visiting a gallery, or engaging in a workshop, in locations across the province – this is HUGE. And while this includes repeat visitors and some from other parts of Canada and international engagement, this statistic shows the deep connection our communities have with the arts.
- Over 3.9 million participants in educational activities: Through OAC-supported programs, just under four million participants experience arts education opportunities. You are in schools, working with school boards, connecting artists to classrooms – these are our current and next generation of creators, thinkers, and leaders who will shape Ontario’s future.
- 100% of our funding makes its way to every corner of Ontario, in every riding. Well over half of our grants go to organizations and artists outside Toronto, reflecting our commitment to fostering creativity across the entire province. Last year, OAC distributed this amount in grants supporting more than 3,000 artists and organizations across Ontario. This funding has a ripple effect, touching nearly every community in the province.
Yet OAC’s operating allocation has been $60 million since 2009 (with a few one-time exceptions). In other words, OAC’s operating allocation has been flat for 15 years.
I share these realities to be transparent and to affirm that we can – and must – do better.
But how will we rise to this challenge? What innovative solutions can we develop together to ensure that every artist and community has the support they need to flourish?
You already know how profoundly the arts strengthen our communities and contribute to our economy.
My commitment to you is to work diligently and collaboratively to address the needs of the province's culture sector. For now, I ask for your continued support and engagement.
So please keep sharing your stories – how you have pushed your artistic practice or medium; how you’ve ignited your local communities with dialogue, connection, and opportunities; how you've preserved language through shared cultural experiences; and how you’ve witnessed those brilliant “a-ha” moments with young Ontarians. Together, we can create a more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient arts ecosystem for Ontario.
Let’s work to forge new paths, overcome obstacles, and build a future where the arts continue to thrive and enrich our lives.
Thank you for your dedication and for being part of this journey.
Warm regards,

Simon Foster
Chair, Ontario Arts Council