Total OAC grants
$53.3 million
A Profile of Art Galleries in Ontario: Phase 2 In Their Own Words
July 1, 2005
This report, prepared by Hill Strategies Research for the Ontario Association of Art Galleries, provides a qualitative complement to the quantitative analysis of A Statistical Profile of Art Galleries in Ontario. The report attempts to provide insights into the situation of public art galleries in Ontario. The report allows art galleries to identify similarities and differences in their operations with the 15 galleries that were interviewed for the project.
The report is based on group interviews with directors, curators and board representatives of 15 art galleries across Ontario. Representatives from a broad spectrum of public galleries were interviewed, including the (very small) Latcham Gallery in Stouffville, the (very large) Art Gallery of Ontario, northern galleries (Thunder Bay Art Gallery and Art Gallery of Sudbury), eastern Ontario galleries, galleries in Toronto and the surrounding area, as well as galleries from southwestern Ontario.
The art gallery representatives were questioned about their mandates, collections, relationship to their communities, successes, challenges, and plans for the future.