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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Grants Advanced Search
Grants Advanced Search

Stat of the Day

Total in OAC grants to organizations
$42.6 million


Michael Choo

Research Analyst
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Elena Bird

Associate Director of Research and Analysis
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Georgia Steele

Granting Programs Coordinator
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Kim Kinnear

Business Analyst
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Arts Attendees in Ontario

June 1, 2002

This issue of ArtFacts examines data on Ontario residents attending three types of arts activities: performing arts events, cultural or artistic festivals, and public art gallery exhibitions. The data are drawn from the 1998 Statistics Canada General Social Survey, an in-depth telephone survey that included 2,402 Ontarians 15 years of age or older. Most of the statistics below pertain to individuals attending arts events during the survey year, not total attendance at these events. As a consequence, individuals who attended more than one event are included only once in most cases.
Available upon request.