Total number of grants awarded by OAC
Finances of Performing Arts Organizations in Canada in 2006-07
November 1, 2008
Finances of Performing Arts Organizations in Canada in 2006-07, the 24th report in the Statistical Insights on the Arts series from Hill Strategies Research, finds that performing arts organizations generate $2.70 in revenues for every dollar received from governments.
The report also shows that fundraising revenues grew the most between 1996-97 and 2006-07. The report examines the situation of non-profit performing arts organizations in Canada, based on the 2006-2007 Business for the Arts Annual Survey of Performing Arts Organizations.
A total of 216 Canadian performing arts organizations participated in the survey, including 117 theatre companies, 64 orchestras, choirs and other music organizations, 15 dance companies, 13 opera companies and seven multidisciplinary organizations. Organizations responding to the Business for the Arts survey are based in all 10 provinces and two of the three territories.
The Statistical Insights on the Arts series is funded by the Ontario Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council for the Arts as part of our shared commitment to making arts research available to inform the work of Canada’s arts community and educate the general public about Canada’s arts sector.