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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Grants Advanced Search
Grants Advanced Search

Stat of the Day

Direct economic impact of arts and culture in Ontario – 3.4% of Ontario’s GDP
$27.0 billion


Michael Choo

Research Analyst
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Elena Bird

Associate Director of Research and Analysis
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Georgia Steele

Granting Programs Coordinator
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

Kim Kinnear

Business Analyst
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058

WolfBrown COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor - Ontario

December 31, 2022

Early in the pandemic the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) offered organizations that receive OAC operating grants the opportunity to participate in a study on the impact of COVID-19 on arts audiences: The COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor. This initiative by leading arts consulting firm WolfBrown is an international tracking study of audience attitudes about returning to in-person arts activities. The findings will help arts organizations plan for when and how to resume activities. OAC is pleased to be working in association with the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA) on this initiative.

With OAC’s sponsorship, more than 80 organizations were able to participate in Phase 1. OAC offered organizations the opportunity to participate in four additional surveys as part of Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Audience Outlook Monitor. The latest results are again available in the form of an interactive dashboard (see below).
As part of OAC’s agreement with WolfBrown, OAC is pleased to provide all Ontario arts organizations access to WolfBrown’s data dashboard and key findings.

It is important to note that the COVID-19 AOM is a proprietary initiative of WolfBrown. Therefore, the dashboard and other resources on WolfBrown’s website are available in English only. However, OAC ensured that the survey was available in both French and English and that responses from francophones could be analyzed separately. In addition, French versions of the Research Notes and Dashboard Guide have been prepared by OAC.​​

WolfBrown AOM – Ontario Data Dashboard

The data from the eigth survey is now available  in WolfBrown’s online dashboard. You can access the data here with the following e-mail and password:

E-mail: oac@audienceoutlookmonitor.com
Password: ontario

In the dashboard you can select the data from Phase 3, Phase 2, and Phase 1 on an aggregated basis or for each survey to compare over time. Note that the Phase 2 and Phase 3 results (broken down by survey) only include those organizations that participated in each phase. The dashboard also allows you to set custom views and filter the data by categories like discipline, age, region, health risks, and arts attendance frequency.

A one-page user guide prepared by WolfBrown on how to use the dashboard is available here. In addition, WolfBrown’s brief (15-minute) demonstration of the Ontario AOM dashboard with helpful pointers for new users is available on Vimeo.
The research notes for the following surveys are below. 

Eighth Deployment Research Notes (October 2022)
Seventh Deployment Research Notes (August 2022)
Sixth Deployment Research Notes (November 2021)
​Fifth Deployment Research Notes (September 2021)