The program supports craft-based practices through grants to Ontario-based artists, curators, ad hoc groups, collectives and organizations. The program has five categories:
- Research/Creation/Development – Emerging artists and curators: to help cover the costs of research, experimentation, creation, production and/or career development
- Research/Creation/Development – Mid-career artists and curators: to help cover the costs of research, experimentation, creation, production and/or career development
- Research/Creation/Development – Established artists and curators: to help cover the costs of research, experimentation, creation, production and/or career development
- Research/Creation/Development – Collaborations: to help cover the costs of artists to collaborate on research, experimentation, creation, production and/or career development
- Connections: to help cover the costs of projects that connect Ontario craft with audiences and expand the public profile and appreciation for craft; programming that encourages craft-based critical discourse and curatorial practice; and activities that make connections within the Ontario craft community
The program’s priorities are to support:
- a range of craft-based practices including work that is functional, conceptual, sculptural or from an art or design perspective
- projects that explore new directions or preserve craft traditions
- Indigenous artists working with craft materials in contemporary or customary ways
- activities that contribute to arts education, public participation and community involvement in craft in Ontario
- craft artists at all stages of their careers
- craft artists to create individually or to work with others collaboratively, either within the craft field or in other disciplines
Deadline date(s)
November 6, 2025, 1 p.m. ET
- The application form will be available in Nova about two months before the deadline.
- You will find out whether you got a grant about four and a half months after the deadline.
Grant amount(s)
- Research/Creation/Development – Emerging artists and curators: maximum $5,000
- Research/Creation/Development – Mid-career artists and curators: maximum $7,500
- Research/Creation/Development – Established artists and curators: maximum $15,000
- Research/Creation/Development – Collaborations: maximum $15,000
- Connections: maximum $15,000
Important: Due to the number of applications we receive and the limited funds that are available, grants awarded may be smaller than the amount requested.
Eligible applicants
- artists and curators who are Ontario residents
- ad hoc groups, collectives and collaborative groups
- artists and curators (including co-applicants)
- craft guilds (incorporated or not)
- ad hoc groups and collectives
- incorporated not-for-profit organizations
Important: For collaborative projects in Research/Creation/Development or Connections categories, you have the option of:
- selecting one individual or group to submit the application on behalf of those collaborating
- applying as two co-applicants
- applying as an ad hoc group or collective
Read the Guide to OAC Project Programs for more eligibility information.
Ineligible applicants
- undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full-time at an educational institution
- curators may not apply for research or exhibition activities they have been contracted or employed to do for an organization that receives OAC operating grants in the Visual Arts section
- municipalities, colleges and universities
- incorporated for-profit businesses
- anyone who has received a Chalmers Professional Development grant and not completed and reported on the project
- organizations that receive a grant in the Public Art Galleries: Operating or Visual Arts Artist-Run Centres and Organizations: Operating programs
- organizations that receive an operating grant in other OAC programs, with the exception of organizations mandated to serve one or more of the OAC priority groups
Artists, curators and collectives may only receive a grant from one of the following programs per year (based on the year of application deadline):
- Craft Projects
- Curatorial Projects: Indigenous and Culturally Diverse
- Media Artists Creation Projects
- Visual Artists Creation Projects
- Visual Arts Projects
If you have already applied to one of these programs this year, you must wait to receive notification of not being awarded a grant before applying to another one.
What this program funds
The program is open to projects presented or undertaken in-person or in digital or virtual formats.
- Research:
- artistic research and experimentation; exploration of new directions and techniques
- independent curatorial research and writing and development of exhibition projects
- Creation/Production:
- studio time to continue a body of work in progress, or create a new body of work
- development of prototypes for small-batch production
- travel related to research and creation
- Development:
- short-term study, training, workshops or master classes
- mentorship projects
- attendance at an important conference or other professional opportunity
- Connections:
- exhibitions, shows and festivals
- independent curatorial projects that involve public exhibition, presentation or audience engagement activities
- catalogues and publications (printed and online), and plans for distribution
- workshops for craft artists, such as visiting artists working with a group in a creative workshop and other professional development activities
- workshops and other audience engagement activities for the public
- artists-in-residence projects, in which the residency includes a public engagement component
- panel discussions, artist talks, symposia, conferences and networking events
This program also supports:
- childcare and other dependant care fees enabling individuals to take part in the project (this does not include regular, ongoing expenses)
- expenses related to making the project accessible to audience members and project participants (other than the applicant) who are Deaf or have a disability
- Note: Applicants to this program who identify as Deaf or as having a disability may apply for supplementary funds for their own accessibility expenses through Accessibility Fund: Project Support.
- Curators undertaking research and development projects without a public presentation component should apply to the Research/Creation/Development category.
- Projects must include Ontario artists. If a project involves non-Ontario artists coming to Ontario or Ontario artists travelling outside the province, you must describe a benefit to Ontario artists or audiences.
- Connections projects must pay CARFAC fees to participating professional artists. Projects that do not pay artist fees are not eligible.
What this program does not fund
- major capital expenditures, including buying, leasing or renovating buildings and purchase of major equipment
- studio or business set-up costs
- studio renovation, repair or relocation
- commissions and student projects
- tuition for full-time study
- publication of artist’s catalogue
- creation of food products and beverages
- creation of body care products such as soaps
- activities taking place in galleries and artist-run centres that receive OAC operating support in the Visual Arts section
- exhibition projects that are primarily commercial in nature
- fundraising projects
Activity timing
The activity for which you are requesting funding:
- cannot start before the deadline
- cannot finish before you receive your grant results
- must be completed no more than two years after you receive the grant results
- If you have previously received a Research/Creation/Development grant from this program, you must complete the project and submit a final report before re-applying to any Research/Creation/Development category.
- If your project has a public launch, such as an exhibition opening, it must not be scheduled to open to the public before you receive your grant results.
Final report requirements
If you receive a grant, you must complete the project and submit a final report in Nova. See Terms and Conditions – receipt of OAC project grant funds for more information on reporting obligations.
In your final report, you will need to provide:
- a description of the project undertaken and its outcomes, including details on any approved or minor changes to what had been outlined in the application
- a final budget
- If the budget you submit shows a surplus of more than $250 (revenues as compared to expenses), you may be required to repay the surplus amount to OAC.
- if applicable, five to eight images of new work created, or work in progress, and a numbered list with a title or description for each image
- documentation and/or an explanation of how you followed or will follow OAC’s Recognition Requirements for Project Grant Recipients
- This should include samples of any promotional or other materials produced for the project that show the OAC and Government of Ontario logos. Read logo guidelines
- This could also include social media screenshots or a description of how you recognized OAC or plan to do so in future activities or materials tied to the project.
To apply
Complete and submit an application in Nova, OAC’s online grant application system. You will be able to do this approximately two months before the deadline.
Before applying, be sure to:
Your application will include:
- basic information about the project
- your answers to application questions
- a project budget
- artistic examples:
- support documents:
- applicant’s history and artist’s résumés, CVs, or bios
- letters of agreement or support for curatorial research
- letters of reference or support for Connections projects
Complete instructions and requirements are in the application in Nova.
For information on how assessors rate applications, see the Guide to OAC Assessment and the Evaluation Rubric – Creation Projects (Artistic Merit and Impact). Exception: For the Connections category, see the Evaluation Rubric – Activity Projects.
For details on creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.
Program-specific definitions
- Emerging artists and curators: applicants in the early years of their careers, usually with up to eight years of professional experience in their practice
- Mid-career artists and curators: applicants with at least eight years of professional experience in their practice
- Established artists and curators: applicants with at least 15 years of professional experience in their practice
- Craft grants support artists working in a wide range of materials and practices. This includes, but is not limited to:
- beadwork
- book arts (book binding, paper-making, etc.)
- clay/ceramics (pottery, sculptural work, etc.)
- craft-based design practices
- fibre (appliqué, basketry, embroidery, felting, knitting, needlework, quill work, quilting, sculptural textiles or fibre, surface design/printing, tamarack, tufting, weaving, etc.)
- furniture
- glass (architectural, stained, hot glass, etc.)
- interdisciplinary practice (a collaboration between a craft artist and a partner working outside of craft; for example, a jewellery artist working with a dancer)
- jewellery
- leather work
- metal work
- multidisciplinary practice (the use of a variety of materials in a craft work; for example, a jewellery artist incorporating fibre work)
- musical instruments
- turned wood and wood carving
- wearable art, including regalia