Name changes and added deadlines for Francophone Arts Programs
In preparation for last January’s move to Nova, OAC’s online application process, most OAC programs underwent deadline shifts and streamlining to support the move online.
It was decided at that point to delay this process for the Francophone arts programs to 2018, and later for the Indigenous arts programs. Following analysis and review, OAC is announcing the changes explained below to its Francophone arts programs.
What remains the same
- The Francophone arts programs will continue to cover the same disciplines as before and support the same type of activities.
- Applications will continue to be assessed by peers working in the same artistic discipline or sector as applicants to the program.
- Francophones can continue to apply to OAC’s bilingual programs, as well as its Francophone arts programs.
Changes to program deadlines
- To increase flexibility for applicants, all project grant programs now have two deadlines per year, one in the spring and one in the fall.
- Francophone arts operating grant program deadlines are not changing, and remain in February and April.
New categories in two programs
The content of the literary and visual arts creation programs are changing and will now each include a new category in support to projects (other than creation).
- Arts visuels et métiers d’art – projets francophones now has two categories:
- Création: Existing category for artists.
- Expositions/Connexions: A new category for organizations and collectives.
- Littérature – projets francophones now has two categories :
- Création: Existing category for artists.
- Présentation/Rayonnement: A new category for organizations and collectives.
- Reminder: the Littérature – projets francophones program now accepts applications for performance literature projects, such as spoken word, storytelling and dub poetry.
The content of the other programs remain the same.
Standardized names for Francophone Arts programs
- To clarify which programs are only for Francophone artists and organizations, the term “francophone” has been added to all Francophone arts program names.
- e.g. Théâtre – fonctionnement is now called Théâtre francophone – fonctionnement.
- e.g. Création littéraire is now called Littérature – projets francophones.
- Like OAC’s bilingual and English-language programs, OAC’s Francophone arts programs now include the word “fonctionnement” or “projets” in their name to emphasize the kind of support provided by the program.
- Some program names have been changed to clarify what types of organizations or project they support:
- e.g. Avance medias – projets is now called Arts médiatiques – projets francophones.
- e.g. Jets de théâtre – projets is now called Théâtre – projets francophones.
Coordinated application forms for Francophone Arts programs
Wherever possible, OAC has eliminated inconsistencies across the Francophone arts program applications (for example, in support material requirements or application writing tips). As a result, there are slight changes to Francophone arts application forms in 2018.
Helpful links
For more information
Clelia Farrugia, Francophone Arts Officer
416-969-7427 | Toll free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058 ext. 7427
Geneviève Trilling, Associate Francophone Arts Officer
416-969-7400 | Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058 ext. 7400
Nina Charest, Program Administrator
416-969-7417 | Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-387-0058 ext. 7417