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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Grants Advanced Search
Grants Advanced Search


Nahed Mansour

Toll-free in Ontario: ​​1-800-387-0058

Yamari Martin

Program Administrator
Toll-free in Ontario: ​1-800-387-0058

Curatorial Projects: Indigenous and Culturally Diverse

Until this program opens in Nova, the Ontario Arts Council’s online granting system, program information may change. This includes deadline dates and specific information on eligibility. Be sure to visit this page after the program opens in Nova, but before starting your application.


The program funds the work of Ontario-based Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour. It aims to increase the ability of Ontario public galleries, artist-run centres and other organizations to present projects by Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour in contexts determined by the participants. The program supports relationship building between curators, galleries, and audiences. The program has two categories:

  • Curatorial projects by Indigenous curators
  • Curatorial projects by curators who are people of colour

Deadline date(s)

October 7, 2025, 1 p.m. ET
  • The application form will be available in Nova about two months before the deadline.
  • You will find out whether you got a grant about four and a half months after the deadline.

Grant amount(s)

  • Curatorial projects by Indigenous curators: maximum $30,000
  • Curatorial projects by curators who are people of colour: maximum $30,000

Important: Due to the number of applications we receive and the limited funds that are available, grants awarded may be smaller than the amount requested.

Eligible applicants

  • Ontario-based, professional, independent Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour, partnering with an Ontario public art gallery, artist-run centre or other not-for-profit arts presenter. The curator must be an Ontario resident. Organizations must be not-for-profit and have a head office in Ontario.


  • This is a shared application between the curator and the organization, with either the curator or organization as the lead applicant.
  • The lead applicant must initiate the application in Nova. The non-lead co-applicant will be asked to confirm their participation in the application.
  • The curator and the organization will both answer application questions.
  • If awarded, the lead applicant will receive the grant cheque and complete the final report.
  • The curator and organization must meet program and OAC eligibility criteria at the time of application and for the duration of the proposed project.

Read the Guide to OAC Project Programs for more eligibility information.

Ineligible applicants

  • curator who is staff or board member at the co-applicant organization or the presenting venue
  • curator who is a full-time student
  • municipalities, colleges and universities
  • commercial galleries

What this program funds

  • visual, media arts and craft exhibitions presented in Ontario; and related publications, arts education or outreach activities
  • opportunities for Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour to work with mentors to develop capacity such as research, writing, design, administration, networking and documentation, if they choose
  • inclusion of international or non-Ontario artists or mentors, if a clear rationale is provided
  • fees for the curator (maximum $10,000), mentor (maximum $2,000) and artists; publication expenses (maximum $5,000), and exhibition productions costs (maximum $10,000)
    • actual fees paid to the curator must not be less than the rate and total proposed in the application budget
    • reduction to proposed artist fees requires OAC pre approval; fees must still meet or exceed CARFAC standards

This program also supports:

  • childcare and other dependant care fees enabling individuals to take part in the project (this does not include regular, ongoing expenses)
  • expenses related to making the project accessible to audience members and project participants (other than the applicant) who are Deaf or have a disability
    • Note: Applicants to this program who identify as Deaf or as having a disability may apply for supplementary funds for their own accessibility expenses through Accessibility Fund: Project Support.

What this program does not fund

  • exhibitions or activities that take place outside of Ontario
  • projects that do not include the payment of professional artists’ fees at or above CARFAC standards; see Canadian Artists’ Representation/Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC) schedule for industry standards
  • mentor fees for staff of the co-applicant organization
  • fundraising activities
  • student projects or exhibitions featuring work by students
  • art acquisitions or commissions
  • activities that take place in a commercial gallery
  • costs related to the creation of art work
  • major capital expenditures, including buying, leasing or renovating buildings and purchase of major equipment
  • ongoing operating or administrative costs of organizations

Activity timing

The activities for which you are requesting funding:

  • cannot start before the deadline
  • cannot finish before you receive your grant results
  • must be completed no more than two years after you receive the grant results

Final report requirements

If you receive a grant, you must complete the project and submit a final report in Nova. See Terms and Conditions – receipt of OAC project grant funds for more information on reporting obligations.

In your final report, you will need to provide:

  • a description of the project undertaken and its outcomes, including details on any approved or minor changes to what had been outlined in the application
  • a final budget
    • If the budget you submit shows a surplus of more than $250 (revenues as compared to expenses), you may be required to repay the surplus amount to OAC.
    • actual fees paid to the curator must not be less than the rate and total proposed in the application budget
    • reduction to proposed artist fees requires OAC pre-approval; fees must still meet or exceed CARFAC standards
  • documentation and/or an explanation of how you followed or will follow OAC’s Recognition Requirements for Project Grant Recipients
    • This should include samples of any promotional or other materials produced for the project that show the OAC and Government of Ontario logos. Read logo guidelines
    • This could also include social media screenshots or a description of how you recognized OAC or plan to do so in future activities or materials tied to the project.

To apply

Complete and submit an application in Nova, OAC’s online grant application system. You will be able to do this approximately two months before the deadline.

Before applying, be sure to:

Your application will include:

  • basic information about the project
  • your answers to application questions
  • a project budget
  • artistic examples: images, videos, curator's writing samples
  • support documents:
  • curator’s résumé
  • short artists’ bios
  • co-applicant organization’s board list
  • commitment letter from the gallery, artist-run centre, or not-for-profit arts presenter agreeing to exhibit the project on specified dates, to pay the curator fee at the rate and total proposed in the application budget, and ensure that artists fees are paid at or above CARFAC standards
  • curator’s commitment letter to undertake the project and to ensure that artists are paid CARFAC fees
  • mentor’s commitment letter, including estimated hours available to contribute to the project (if a mentor is involved)

Complete instructions and requirements are in the application in Nova.

For information on how assessors rate applications see the Guide to OAC Assessment and the Evaluation Rubric – Activity Projects.

For help creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.

Program-specific definitions

Indigenous: Individuals who self-identify as First Nations, Métis or Inuit.

By culturally diverse, OAC is referring to people of colour based on the Government of Canada’s definition of “visible minorities,” which is “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.”