Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
October 26, 2021
Harwood-Jones, Markus, Toronto
Sasaki-Picou, Nayo, Toronto
Topp, Pandora, Sudbury
Ventura, Amadeo, East Garafraxa
Juries are generally used to assess grants to individuals at the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). Juries evaluate applications using specific program criteria and decide which applicants should receive grants. In programs that do not have pre-determined grant levels, they also determine the amount of each grant. The number of grants and the amounts are based on the program budget. Jury decisions are authorized by the OAC Director & CEO.
To safeguard the integrity of the peer assessment process, we do not allow anyone who has a direct conflict of interest with an application to serve on an assessment panel where that application is to be reviewed. Indirect conflicts of interest are managed by a standard OAC procedure.
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Aeris Körper, Hamilton, $15,500
Art Ignite, Toronto, $12,500
Big Pond Small Fish Laboratory, Toronto, $12,500
Danforth Jewish Circle, Toronto, $12,500
darricades, karen, Toronto, $10,000
Emotionart, Toronto, $12,915
Esguerra, Ruben, North York, $12,500
Girl Power'd, Toronto, $15,100
Hansen, Tuija, Thunder Bay, $12,500
INKspire Youth Organization, Toronto, $12,467
Ismailova Theatre of Dance, Toronto, $12,500
Larochette, Nathanael, Ottawa, $7,500
Lookup Theatre, Bognor, $12,500
Marris, John, Peterborough, $12,478
Mellinger, Catherine, Waterloo, $10,080
Moeller, Catherine, Toronto, $12,000
Muse Arts, Toronto, $12,000
Music From Hope, Toronto, $12,500
North Hastings Community Trust, Bancroft, $15,500
Ottawa StoryTellers, Ottawa, $12,500
Panwar Music and Dance Productions Inc., Toronto, $12,500
Pinceles Latinos Art Studio, Toronto, $12,500
safeword, Toronto, $5,000
TB West Community Services, Toronto, $14,900
The Mexicans Folk Ballet, Toronto, $8,000
Toronto Prisoners' Rights Project, Toronto, $12,500
Toronto Tabla Ensemble, Toronto, $10,492
Uppal, Pavla, Toronto, $12,500
Verstappen, Marjan, Toronto, $12,000