Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
April 24, 2018
Brewster, Sandra, Toronto
Glabush, Sky, London
Lafrance, Mariana, Little Current
Macklem, Jennifer, Ottawa
Whetung, Olivia, Lakefield
Juries are generally used to assess grants to individuals at the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). Juries evaluate applications using specific program criteria and decide which applicants should receive grants. In programs that do not have pre-determined grant levels, they also determine the amount of each grant. The number of grants and the amounts are based on the program budget. Jury decisions are authorized by the OAC Director & CEO.
To safeguard the integrity of the peer assessment process, we do not allow anyone who has a direct conflict of interest with an application to serve on an assessment panel where that application is to be reviewed. Indirect conflicts of interest are managed by a standard OAC procedure.
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Achtemichuk, Robert, Kitchener, $7,500
Amani, Golboo, Toronto, $5,000
Avarzamani, Ghazaleh, Toronto, $7,500
Baerg, Jason, Toronto, $7,500
Barnett, Chandra, Sault Ste. Marie, $5,000
Beckles, Madelyne, Toronto, $5,000
Bell, Mark, Toronto, $15,000
Borins, Daniel, Toronto, $15,000
Burns, Bill, Toronto, $15,000
Cho, Helen, Toronto, $15,000
Cho, Hyang, Guelph, $7,500
Cohene, Aleesa, Toronto, $7,500
Curreri, Chris, Toronto, $7,500
Custodio, Danny, St. Catharines, $7,500
Czekus, Sherry, Waterloo, $5,000
Douglas, Deron , Markham, $5,000
Epstein, Hannah, Toronto, $5,000
Farooq, Sameer, Toronto, $7,500
Ha, Insoon, Toronto, $15,000
Hague, Libby, Toronto, $15,000
Haimbe, Milumbe, Toronto, $15,000
Haney, John, Hamilton, $7,500
Harder, Meg, Baden, $5,000
Hartman, Joseph, Hamilton, $7,500
Heard, Catherine, Toronto, $15,000
Hejazi, Samar, Toronto, $5,000
Hyckie, Meaghan, Toronto, $7,500
Irish, Jacob, Burlington, $5,000
Jeyte, Leyla, Toronto, $5,000
Kajander, Paul, Guelph, $7,500
Kang, Laurie, Toronto, $5,000
Kay, Parker, Toronto, $5,000
Kilian Sims, Gabrielle, Kingston, $15,000
Kisilevich, Alex, Toronto, $5,000
Kolas, Anastasia, Toronto, $5,000
Laganse, Carmela, Hamilton, $7,500
Lewis-Smith, Whitney, Ottawa, $5,000
Limit, Jimmy, St Catharines, $5,000
Lund, Corwyn, Toronto, $7,500
Maize, Andrew, Oro-Medonte, $5,000
Maltese, Vanessa, Toronto, $7,500
Marsh, Jenine, Toronto, $5,000
Matharu, Pamila, Toronto, $7,500
McComas, Leone, Toronto, $5,000
Meyer, Hazel, Toronto, $7,500
Moursi, Manar, Toronto, $5,000
Nimako, Ekow, Toronto, $5,000
Nishimura, Emma, Toronto, $5,000
Nnebe, Kosi, Ottawa, $5,000
Norman, Josephine, Toronto, $5,000
Ooi, Andrew, Toronto, $5,000
Osman, Abdi, Toronto, $7,500
P., Paul, Toronto, $15,000
Park, Ryan, Toronto, $7,500
Pasila, Julie, Toronto, $5,000
Pierce, Sasha, Toronto, $7,500
Piersig, Victoria, Toronto, $5,000
Plotnikoff, Sandy, Toronto, $7,500
Prouse, Rod, Tiny, $15,000
Pszczonak, Michael, London, $5,000
Rafi, Eshan, Mississauga, $5,000
Rajsic, Sasa, Cambridge, $5,000
Rosner, Thelma, London, $7,500
Safaei-Sooreh, Sona, Toronto, $5,000
Salimi, Nilou, Toronto, $5,000
Santiago, Alejandro, Toronto, $5,000
Sharp, Paul, Ottawa, $7,500
Spirit, Kuya, Scarborough, $5,000
Telford-Keogh, Catherine, Toronto, $5,000
Thalmann, Jessica, Thornhill, $5,000
Tony, Yaw, Scarborough, $5,000
Treleaven, Scott, Toronto, $7,500
Vettivelu, Joshua, Toronto, $5,000
Wainio, Carol, Ottawa, $15,000
White, Steven, Chatsworth, $7,500
Williams, Anna, Ottawa, $7,500
Woolsey, Nikki, Toronto, $5,000
Yan, Xiaojing, Thornhill, $7,500
Yu, David, Toronto, $7,500
Zhang, Shellie, Toronto, $5,000
Zits, Johannes, Toronto, $15,000