Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
October 13, 2022
Buffin, James, East York
Girault, Tiphaine, Gatineau (Québec) (written assessments)
Lashbrook, Sarah, Sudbury
Salazar, David, Toronto
Vassos, Alexia, Caledon
Weaver, Shara, Gatineau (Québec)
Juries are generally used to assess grants to individuals at the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). Juries evaluate applications using specific program criteria and decide which applicants should receive grants. In programs that do not have pre-determined grant levels, they also determine the amount of each grant. The number of grants and the amounts are based on the program budget. Jury decisions are authorized by OAC’s CEO.
To safeguard the integrity of the peer assessment process, we do not allow anyone who has a direct conflict of interest with an application to serve on an assessment panel where that application is to be reviewed. Indirect conflicts of interest are managed by a standard OAC procedure.
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Ackah, Zoe, Toronto, $9,885
Allen, Brendon, Toronto, $10,000
Capone, JamIe, Toronto, $10,000
Claus, Stan, Belleville, $9,500
Currie, Christine, Aurora, $9,300
Dairywala, Tasneem, North York, $10,000
Deng, Qi Rong, Toronto, $9,707
Epstein-Fine, Sadie, Toronto, $10,000
Erlich, Jason, Hamilton, $10,000
Flynn, Hope, Burlington, $10,000
Gray, Twoey, Toronto, $10,000
Heule, Andrew, Toronto, $9,995
Lachance, Kariane, Hearst, $10,000
Lafortune, DM, Toronto, $10,000
Laurin, Maurice, Mississauga, $10,000
Leduc, Amanda, Hamilton, $10,000
Lehouiller, Stephanie, Brampton, $10,000
Linton, Shannon, Hamilton Twp, $750
Lowrie, James, Belleville, $10,000
Lu, Wendy, Toronto, $10,000
Mataija, Wendy, Toronto, $10,000
McGrail, Cullen Elijah, Dover Centre, $10,000
McPhee, Nancy Anne, Hamilton, $10,000
Merpaw, Amanda, Toronto, $10,000
Mikhaylova, Viktoriya, Ottawa, $9,932
Morris, Alistair, Bath, $5,975
PeerLess Productions, Kingston, $7,500
Pigeau, John, Kingston, $10,000
Prime, Tom, London, $10,000
Prinz, Andreas, Toronto, $10,000
Richards, Tarquin, Toronto, $10,000
Rina, Kamila, Toronto, $10,000
Saeedi, Ali, Toronto, $7,450
Schooley, Emily, Toronto, $10,000
Sumaiya, Salbhi, Scarborough, $10,000
Tangled Art + Disability, Toronto, $10,000
Taylor, Ronald A., Toronto, $7,070
Thomas, Tyneisha, Barrie, $10,000
Todd, Lynda, Peterborough, $10,000
Wallace, Jade, Windsor, $10,000
Williams-Teehan, Melissa, Toronto, $10,000