Armstrong, Tré, Mississauga, $7,000
Baker, Jeffrey, Toronto, $10,000
Belete, Emebet, Belleville, $10,000
Bursey, Tara, Hamilton, $6,800
Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, $15,000
Coco Collective, Toronto, $10,000
Comité de Pastorale Paroissiale, St Eugene, $4,500
Cywink, Michael, Espanola, $8,100
Dairywala, Tasneem, North York, $10,000
Eventual Ashes, Toronto, $10,000
Gesser, Dalia, Battersea, $6,376
Hamilton Youth Poets, Hamilton, $13,500
HARDY, Sébastien, Thunder Bay, $8,200
Hong, Charles, Toronto, $6,900
Hoyi, Yaovi, Ottawa, $9,500
Hua, Wenyun, Toronto, $9,600
Human Cargo, Toronto, $10,000
Humsi, Nada, Kitchener, $10,000
Hunter, Sharon, Bruce Mines, $12,000
Kick Start Arts Society, Toronto, $12,000
Lapinski, Joe, St. Catharines, $8,375
Latino Canadian Cultural Association, Toronto, $9,200
LEBLANC, Chantal, Toronto, $9,999
London Arts Council, London, $10,000
LOVE Ontario (Leave Out Violence), Toronto, $11,500
MacPherson, Coleen, Guelph, $6,432
Mejicano, Luis, Toronto, $13,000
Mockett, Christine, Ottawa, $9,000
Montague, Masani, Toronto, $10,000
Murdoch, Angola, Bognor, $7,000
North York Arts, Toronto, $15,000
OrKidstra, Ottawa, $25,000
Out of Sound Rezonance Program, London, $1,436
Paluck, Laurel, Peterborough, $9,500
Pinceles Latinos Art Studio, Toronto, $14,120
Poldmaa, Taimi, Sault Ste. Marie, $8,000
Propeller Dance, Ottawa, $15,000
Right Path World Arts Centre, Toronto, $9,800
RISE Edutainment, Toronto, $15,000
SoCirC, Toronto, $10,000
SuiteLife Arts for Youth, Toronto, $8,810
Tessler, Naomi, Ottawa, $10,000
The Real Sun, North York, $15,000
The John Howard Society of Canada, Kingston, $4,800
Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Ottawa, $9,500
Think 2wice, Brampton, $10,000
Thinking Rock Community Arts, Thessalon, $8,500
Thomas, Josy, Sutton West, $8,000
Viau, François, Clarence Creek, $8,800
Watercourse Theatre, Guelph, $10,000