Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
April 1, 2015
Clark, Virginia, Kingston
Copeland, Darren, South River
Field, Emily, Hamilton
Martin, Jason, Ohsweken
McKenzie, Heidi, Toronto
McKerral, Jen, Sudbury
Newman, Marion, Toronto
Perera, Nilan, Toronto
Juries are generally used to assess grants to individuals at the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). Juries evaluate applications using specific program criteria and decide which applicants should receive grants. In programs that do not have pre-determined grant levels, they also determine the amount of each grant. The number of grants and the amounts are based on the program budget. Jury decisions are authorized by the OAC Director & CEO.
To safeguard the integrity of the peer assessment process, we do not allow anyone who has a direct conflict of interest with an application to serve on a jury or an advisory panel where that application is to be reviewed. Indirect conflicts of interest are managed by a standard OAC procedure.
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
The Academy Concert Series, Toronto, $4,000
Algoma Conservatory of Music, Sault Ste. Marie, $10,000
Bloor Ossington Folk Festival, Toronto, $17,000
Blue Moss Ensemble, Toronto, $3,500
Canadian Art Song Project, Toronto, $2,500
Capella Intima, Hamilton, $3,500
Chamber Music Hamilton, Hamilton, $5,500
Consortium Aurora Borealis, Thunder Bay, $9,000
The Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, $17,000
Ensemble Polaris, Toronto, $7,000
ExpresArte, Toronto, $2,840
Folkus Concert Series, Almonte, $3,500
Gallery Players of Niagara, Virgil, $6,186
Health Arts Society of Ontario, Toronto, $5,000
Kazoo! Festival, Guelph, $15,500
Kingston Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, Kingston, $5,000
Kouraba Toronto Centre for Cultural Advancement, Toronto, $2,576
LAL, Toronto, $4,800
Long Winter, Toronto, $14,200
The Malhar Group Music Circle of Ontario, Hamilton, $1,000
Markham Jazz Festival, Markham, $12,000
The Mill Race Folk Society, Cambridge, $4,615
MonstrARTity, Mississauga, $13,000
Mooredale Concerts, Toronto, $3,500
Orchestral Powwow Project, Toronto, $10,000
Rub Out the Word, Brampton, $2,400
Silence, Guelph, $5,300
Spectrum Composers Collective, Toronto, $1,846
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage Performances Inc., Morrisburg, $6,035
TAMALA, Toronto, $5,000
The Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, $4,000
Tone Deaf Collective, Kingston, $4,900
TorQ Percussion Quartet, Toronto, $7,000
Toy Piano Composers, Toronto, $7,000
Trio D'Argento, Waterloo, $3,500
Tune Your Ride Collective, Toronto, $2,300
Windsong Music, Powassan, $2,100
Zula Music & Arts Collective Hamilton, Hamilton, $13,000