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Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
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Chalmers Arts Fellowships

Results Announcement

Deadline Date: June 16, 2015
Agnew, Marion, Shuniah (English jury)
Derbyshire, Jan, Toronto (English jury)
Doom, Alain, Ottawa (French jury)
Eichhorn, Virginia, Owen Sound (English jury)
Forgues, Jocelyn, Moose Creek (French jury)
Gupta, Deepti, Ottawa (English jury)
Hoolboom, Mike, Toronto (English jury)
Kingsbury, Robert, Toronto (English jury)
Philip-Chamberlain, Hesper, Toronto (English jury)
Rakotomamonjy, Dieudonné (French jury)
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Acquaa-Harrison, Kobèna, Toronto, $39,320
Andrews, Megan, Toronto, $50,000
Angelucci, Sara, Toronto, $38,420
Belmore, Michael, Kagawong, $50,000
Broomer, Stephen, Toronto, $20,000
Bruhmuller, Ben, Toronto, $47,700
Cayley, Kate, Toronto, $19,825
Chambers, Tracey-Mae, Simcoe, $22,090
Chevannes, Chanda, Toronto, $25,000
Farooq, Sameer, Toronto, $25,000
Fisseha, Rebecca, Toronto, $24,845
Gustafson, Shannon, Thunder Bay, $49,955
Hegel, Annette, Ottawa, $18,175
Hobot, Barbara, Kitchener, $25,000
Islam, Doyali, Toronto, $24,990
Kalmenson, Felix, Thornhill, $23,000
Khan, Sadiqa, Kingston, $22,780
Kingfisher, William, Bridgenorth, $35,180
Larivière, Jean-Marc, Ottawa, $40,000
Monahan, Gordon, Meaford, $35,910
Nankervis, Kate, Toronto, $16,740
Nolan, Faith, Burnt River, $48,355
Park, Ryan, Toronto, $25,000
Perez Torres, Arturo, Toronto, $41,790
Pierce, Sasha, Toronto, $25,000
Piller, Madeleine, Toronto, $41,250
Singh, Bandana, Toronto, $23,660
St George, Michael, Hamilton, $50,000
Trusler, Wendy, Peterborough, $46,860
Willes, Christopher, Toronto, $24,570
Zarif, Sashar, Thornhill, $48,740