Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
March 3, 2015
Higuera, Claudia Alejandra, Toronto
Ikonomopoulos, Chris, Ottawa
McNeilly, Mosa Neshamá, Guelph
Paulin, Megan, North Bay
Watson, Dan, Toronto
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Abbas, Nuzhat, Toronto, $8,000
Aiding Dramatic Change in Development, Toronto, $7,400
Arts Ottawa East, Ottawa, $10,000
Asian Arts Freedom School, Toronto, $8,000
The Bain Arts Collective, Toronto, $8,000
Bozikovic, Lisa, Toronto, $10,000
Community Story Collective, Toronto, $7,400
Creative Well Collective, Ottawa, $10,000
Danielewski, Barb, Kingston, $3,959
ExpresArte, Toronto, $6,400
Gesser, Dalia, Battersea, $5,000
Hirmer, Lisa, Guelph, $5,920
INTERSECTIONS, Toronto, $8,000
Kick Start Arts Society, Toronto, $8,000
LAL, Toronto, $8,000
Mauricette, Sean, Toronto, $8,000
Multicultural Arts for Schools & Communities (MASC), Ottawa, $8,000
Perkins, Wendy Luella, Kingston, $10,000
Thinking Rock Community Arts, Sault Ste. Marie, $8,000
Triluma Living Collaborative, Toronto, $8,000