Results Announcement
Deadline Date:
November 15, 2016
Atlookan, Lucille, Eabametoong First Nation / Thunder Bay
Laprairie, Dinah, Coniston
Louttit, Tracie, Thunder Bay
Lysak, Denise, Sioux Narrows
Poulin, David, Sudbury
Number of Applications:
Total Requested:
Number of Grants Awarded:
Total Recommended:
Boyce, Amy, Eabamet Lake, $5,500
Buckell, Felicity, Haileybury, $7,670
Cassidy, Maureen, North Bay, $15,000
Heiti, Matthew, Sudbury, $6,000
Jutras, Simon, Sudbury, $4,075 (co-applicant); Tremblay Beaulieu, Antoine, Sudbury, $4,075 (co-applicant)
Lapalme, Eric, Sudbury, $7,000 (co-applicant); Robitaille, Raphaël, Coniston, $7,000 (co-applicant)
Lathem, Jaymie, North Bay, $14,000
Lee, Alexandra, Sudbury, $12,000
Lytchpin, Thunder Bay, $14,000
No Wilderness; This is Home, Sioux Narrows, $14,000
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, Sioux Lookout, $11,950
Phillips, Stefan, North Bay, $12,150
Rogers, Ralph, Keewatin, $14,000
RTC North, Sudbury, $6,000
Scott, Reilly, Kenora, $3,800
Stevens, Cree, Thunder Bay, $9,110
Strapp, Rihkee, Sault Ste. Marie, $14,000
Thinking Rock Community Arts, Thessalon, $15,000
Turner, John, Evansville, $7,213 (co-applicant); Osawabine, David, Wikwemikong, $7,213 (co-applicant)
Wainio, Kalle, Sault Ste. Marie, $14,000
Windsong Music, Powassan, $9,845